Acredito ser ouvido,
Loucura minha, atrevido,
Que razão?
A verdade não tem dono,
Prostituta, fingida, seduz.
Acreditar no que não vejo
É mais real que dar crédito a verdade.
A verdade deita com quem pode mais.
Fácil de ser enganado.
Tolo, acredito no que diz ter razão,
A razão.
Rosna a mentira
E lá estão todos, inclusive eu.
A ilusão é doce,
Beija na boca,
Faz-se mais gostosa que uma noite
De amor. Excitação, orgasmo.
Acredito no que quero acreditar.
Não me importa que seja mentira!
Quando gosto aceito como verdade,
Entrego-me. Deixo-me enganar,
Como todos, gosto de ser enganado.
Gosto de me enganar.
Minta e lá estou eu.
As vozes ecoam à minha volta,
Dou a volta, não quero escutar.
Sou feliz, ouço a minha verdade,
A verdade que quero escutar.
Lido da Silva, fevereiro de 2016
I believe to be heard,
My madness, daring,
What reason?
The truth has no owner,
Prostitute, pretender, seduces.
I believe in what I don't see
It is more real than to give credit to
The truth.
The truth lies with those who pay
The truth lies with those who pay
Easy to be deceived.
Fool, I believe in what sais have
Easy to be deceived.
Fool, I believe in what sais have
The reason, the reason.
Growls the lie
And there they all are, including me.
The illusion is sweet,
Kiss on the mouth,
Its makes herself hotter than one
Growls the lie
And there they all are, including me.
The illusion is sweet,
Kiss on the mouth,
Its makes herself hotter than one
Night of love.
Excitement, orgasm.
Illusion! I believe what I want to
Excitement, orgasm.
Illusion! I believe what I want to
I don't care if it's a lie!
When I like, I accepted it as true,
I surrender.
I let myself be deceived, like
I don't care if it's a lie!
When I like, I accepted it as true,
I surrender.
I let myself be deceived, like
Everyone else, I like to be tricked.
I like to deceive myself.
Lie and there I am.
The voices echo around me,
I turn around, I don't want to listen.
I'm happy, I hear my truth,
The truth that I want to hear.
I like to deceive myself.
Lie and there I am.
The voices echo around me,
I turn around, I don't want to listen.
I'm happy, I hear my truth,
The truth that I want to hear.