sexta-feira, 10 de março de 2023

Optastes - You have chosen

E quando acordastes, te sentindo meio que enganado 
Entendeste que te ofereceram fartura mas, do pouco
Que tinhas, te deixaram somente com o engodo.
Levaram tudo de ti, inclusive os teus sonhos.

Acordado, atabalhoado, percebestes que enquanto te 
Permitias ser envolvido pela persuasão do  persuasor
Fostes enganado, lesado no pouco que te restava.
Teus sonhos, tua fé e as tuas aspirações. 

Tomado pela revolta tardia gritas mas, logo descobre
Que o persuasor não perdoa os persuadidos. 
Ele pediu a tua alma e tu a entregaste, problema teu,
Ele não mentiu para ti, sabias de tudo e ainda assim...

Dos sonhos aos pesadelos foi um pulo. Um 
Descuido, a tua fé na inocência da persuasão, ilusão.
O terror que agora cala a tua boca engoliu os teus
Sonhos. Acabou!
Tivestes opções e optastes, errado mas optastes.

                 Lido da Silva, março de 2023


You have chosen

And when you woke up, feeling kind of cheated
You understood that you were offered plenty but,
From the little of what you already have, they
Left to you  only with the decoy.
They took everything from you, including your 

Awakened, confused, you realized that while you
Allow yourself to be involved by the persuasion of
The persuader you were deceived, stolen in the 
Little that you had.
Your dreams, your faith and your aspirations.

Taken by the late revolt, you scream but soon you 
Found out that the persuader does not forgive the
He asked for your soul and you gave it up to him,
So, that's your falt no his.
He didn't lie to you, you knew everything about 
Him and still...

From your dreams to the  nightmares was just a
An oversight, your faith in the innocence of the
Persuasion, an illusion.
The terror that now shuts up your mouth has 
Swallowed your dreams. Now its finished!
You had options and you chose, you chose wrong
But you chose.


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