domingo, 19 de fevereiro de 2023

Escondendo a verdade - Hiding the truth

Atrevido que sou e, acreditando ser possível
Enganar as verdades que a verdade me
Obriga a viver, sigo resmungando,
O caminho que é o destino que me foi dado a


Acredito nas tolices que as tolices me contam e,
Acreditando ser possível esconder alguma
Coisa sob o sol, escondo as pedras nas quais
Tropeço, enquanto caminho a vida.

              Lido da Silva, fevereiro de 2023. 


Hiding the truth

Imprudent as I am, and believing it be possible
Deceiving the truths that the truth forces me
To live, I keep mumbling, the path that is the
Destiny that was given to me to live.


I believe in the nonsense which the nonsense 
Tells me and, believing in it be possible to hide
Something under the sun, I hide the stones in 
Which I stumble as I walk through the path of
The life that was given to me to live.


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