Frases e mais frases, vida.
Frases que afagam e curam
Frases, frases e
frases, consolo, conforto,
Aflição, frases.
Frases e gritos, beijos, preces, perdão,
Excomunhão, frases.
Afago no ego, aperto de mão, sorrisos, medo
Escondido, o não, frases.
Frases! Gemidos, sussurros na
Delírio diante da beleza, o sol e uma
Frase, frases.
Caminhos sem fim, despedidas, adeus,
Perguntas sem respostas, a agressão, frases,
Apenas frases.
Chuva, faz frio, o arrepio
diante das
Lembranças de eventos que não ficaram,
Frases e mais frases, somente frases, vaidade,
Aversão ao bem, paixão pelo mal, frases.
Abraços dados, braços esquecidos, lágrimas
Que o vento seca para que sejam esquecidas
Sob o
curativo do perdão que não suporta
Coração crendo estar
apaixonado e
A paixão iludida por um amor que não
Passa de frases.
Frase e mais frases.
ditas sem pensar, frases que nascem da
Incoerência, que ferem quaisquer principio e
Deixam tudo para lá,
Frases e mais frases que não expressam
Pensamentos verdadeiros, a saudade, o beijo ou
Algo que valha.
Frases e mais frases, todas vazias,
frases sem
Vida, proferidas apenas para expressar coisas
Perdidas, levadas
pelo vento do esquecimento
Até onde tornam-se apenas frases, somente
Frases e nada mais.
Maio 14, 2013
Phrases! Phrases and some more phrases, life.
Phrases! Phrases which cuddling and heal
Phrases! Phrases and some more phrases, life.
Phrases! Phrases which cuddling and heal
Wounds, phrases.
Phrases! Phrases, phrases and phrases,
Phrases! Phrases, phrases and phrases,
Consolation, comfort, grief, phrases.
Phrases! Phrases and shouts, kisses, prayers,
Forgiveness, cursing, phrases.
Phrases! Ego-stroking, handshake, smiles,
Phrases! Phrases and shouts, kisses, prayers,
Forgiveness, cursing, phrases.
Phrases! Ego-stroking, handshake, smiles,
Hidden fear, failure, phrases.
Phrases! Moans, whispers in the darkness,
Delirium in face the beauty, the sun and a
Phrase, phrases.
Phrases! An endless paths, farewells, goodbye,
Phrases! Moans, whispers in the darkness,
Delirium in face the beauty, the sun and a
Phrase, phrases.
Phrases! An endless paths, farewells, goodbye,
Unanswered questions, the aggression,
Phrases, only phrase.
Phrases! Rain, it is cold, the chill caused by
Phrases! Rain, it is cold, the chill caused by
The situation
of to face memories of events
Which did not stay, phrase.
Phrases! Phrase after phrases, only phrases,
Phrases! Phrase after phrases, only phrases,
Vanity, aversion to the good, passion to
Evil, phrases.
Phrases! Given hugs, forgotten arms, tears
Evil, phrases.
Phrases! Given hugs, forgotten arms, tears
Which the wind dries in the way it can be
Forgotten under the dressing of the
Forgotten under the dressing of the
Forgiveness which hate to forgive, phrases.
Phrases! Heart believing being passionate
Phrases! Heart believing being passionate
And passion deluded by
the love which is
Nothing more than phrases.
Phrases! Phrase and phrases, spoken phrase.
Phrases that dwell from incoherency,
Phrases! Phrase and phrases, spoken phrase.
Phrases that dwell from incoherency,
Phrases that hurt all the principles and leaves
It all alone, phrases.
Phrases! Phrases and phrases, sentences that
Express true thoughts of the nostalgias, the
Phrases! Phrases and phrases, sentences that
Express true thoughts of the nostalgias, the
Kiss or something that worth it.
Phrases! Phrases and phrases, empty phrases,
Lifeless sentences uttered only to express lost
Phrases! Phrases and phrases, empty phrases,
Lifeless sentences uttered only to express lost
Things, things taken by the
forgetting wind up
To where it become only phrases, sentences
And nothing else.
May 14, 2013
May 14, 2013
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