Já não tenho pressa,
A pressa não faz o menor
Sentido para mim.
A idade chegou, o peso
Do tempo ignora as minhas
Vontades, quando não
Zomba destas.
Não lamento as coisas que
Fiz e, bem menos, as que
Não fiz.
A maturidade ensina
Que as lágrimas não trazem
As coisas de volta,
Não resolvem.
Passou, está enterrado,
Há de ser esquecido.
Já não tenho pressa,
A idade roubou-me a disposição
De correr e, andando devagar,
Divago. Divago e o divagar
Bolina com velhas feridas e dói,
Faz as lágrimas embaçarem o
Meu olhar.
De repente um sorriso sorrir
E me recorda que lágrimas
Nada resolvem.
Quando jovem, em meu
Íntimo, me preparava para
A idade, mas veja isto:
Idoso me dou conta de que fui
Pego pelado pela velhice.
Deus meu! ... Confesso que
Não imaginei que a velhice
Fosse assim, não que ser velho
Seja ruim, mas quantas saudades!
Já não tenho pressa,
A pressa não faz o menor
Sentido para mim.
Sentido para mim.
janeiro de 2019
I'm long in a hurry.
The haste makes no
Sense to me.
The age has come, the weight
Of the time ignores mine
Wishes, when do not
Make fun of it.
I don't regret the things that
I have done, much less, the
Ones that I have not.
Maturity teaches that tears
Maturity teaches that tears
Ddon't bring things back,
Do not solve problems.
What has gone is gone,
Do not solve problems.
What has gone is gone,
It's buried, it must
Be forgotten.
I'm not in a hurry anymore
Age has stolen my
I'm not in a hurry anymore
Age has stolen my
Disposition of to running
And, walking slowly,
I digress.
I digress and the digress
Mess with old wounds and
I digress.
I digress and the digress
Mess with old wounds and
It hurts, makes the tears blur
My eyes.
Suddenly a smile smile
And reminds me that tears
Do not solves problems.
When I was young, in my
Intimate, I used to prepared
My eyes.
Suddenly a smile smile
And reminds me that tears
Do not solves problems.
When I was young, in my
Intimate, I used to prepared
Myself for the old age,
But look at this:
As an old man I realize that
As an old man I realize that
I was caught naked by it.
My God! ... I confess that
I never imagine that old age
Would be like that, it is not that
My God! ... I confess that
I never imagine that old age
Would be like that, it is not that
Bad to be old, but how
I miss thing that I already lived!
I'm no long in a hurry,
Right now, haste makes no
Sense to me.
I'm no long in a hurry,
Right now, haste makes no
Sense to me.