te falo de milagres creditados ao meu nome
que não são concebidos por mim.
A fortuna que te prometi e que te prometo é
o meu amor e nada mais.
Não te prometo mansões, carros de luxo, etc.
Não te prometi e nem te prometo nada que
Não possas levar consigo quando partires
desta vida.
Tudo que te oferto é o meu amor.
A minha Igreja jamais te oferecerá fortunas
Tenha certeza de que os meus verdadeiros
discípulos jamais atrairão a tua atenção com
promessas vãs.
As igrejas que te oferecem fortuna material
e solução simples para os teus problemas
pessoais não são a minha Igreja e nem têm
a minha bênção.
Os meus missionários não juntam fortunas
na terra e seus espíritos se alimentam da
minha palavras e de suas fé.
Quando buscas as igrejas com o propósito
primeiro de resolver os teus problemas
pessoais, os teus problemas multiplicam-se
e a tua ambição faz de ti presa fácil para os
enganadores que usam o meu nome em
beneficio próprio.
O que te prometi e te oferto é o meu amor.
O meu amor que é a fortuna maior que
tenho para te dar.
O meu amor é a fortuna que levarás consigo
para a vida que vem depois desta vida, a
vida eterna.
Sou o teu Deus, sou a luz que te guia, sou
quem te mostra a verdade, sou a esperança
e a certeza.
Estarei contigo enquanto acreditares em
Habacuc, agosto de 2011
I´m talking to you about churches that are not
my Church,
I´m telling you about miracles credited to my
I´m telling you about miracles credited to my
name that are not designed by me.
The fortune that I promised you and that
The fortune that I promised you and that
I promise you is my love and nothing else.
I do not promise you mansions, luxury cars,
I do not promise you mansions, luxury cars,
I didn't promise you and I don't promise you
I didn't promise you and I don't promise you
anything that you cannot take it with you
when you leave of this life.
All I offer you is my love.
My Church will never offer you material
All I offer you is my love.
My Church will never offer you material
You must be sure that my real
disciples will never attract your attention
You must be sure that my real
disciples will never attract your attention
with empty promises.
The churches that offer you material
The churches that offer you material
wealth and simple solution for your
personals problems are not my Church
and neither have my blessing.
My missionaries don't accumulate
My missionaries don't accumulate
fortunes on earth and their spirits feed on
the my words and their faith.
When you seek churches with purpose
to solve your personal problems,
all your problems multiply
and your ambition makes you easy prey
When you seek churches with purpose
to solve your personal problems,
all your problems multiply
and your ambition makes you easy prey
for the deceivers who use my name in
their own benefit.
What I promised you and I offer you is
What I promised you and I offer you is
my love.
My love, which is the greatest fortune
My love, which is the greatest fortune
that I have to give you.
My love is the fortune you will take
My love is the fortune you will take
with you for the life that comes after
this life, the eternal life.
I am your God, I am the light that
guides you, I am who shows you the
I am hope and the certainty.
I will be with you as long as you
I will be with you as long as you
believe in me.
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