Ouça a sua história, senhora idosa que vem de um
tempo muito além do tempo que conheces.
Ouça o teu irmão que se perdeu em caminhos
que desconheces.
Caminhos que teve que aprender caminhar ainda
antes de dar os seus primeiros passos.
Ouça o que ele tem para dizer.
Ouça-o e aprenda com a sua história e conte-as
como testemunho para os teus.
Não passe indiferente pelo teu irmão que,
acocorado em uma esquina, lhe estende a mão.
Não ignore o pedido de um irmão que te pede
um pão.
Não rejeites um irmão que, sujo e maltrapilho,
Aproxima-se de ti te pedindo, querendo um
pouco da tua atenção.
Um irmão que caminha a única estrada que
A estrada onde foi colocado bem antes de ter
qualquer outra opção.
Ouça as súplicas do teu irmão cuja sujeira em
suas roupas te assusta e constrange o teu espírito.
Ouça a sua história, senhora idosa que existe
muito antes de tudo que a tua mente consegue
Preste atenção!
O teu irmão não quer apenas a tua esmola, ele
quer, também, ser ouvido por ti, ele quer te
Lido da Silva, agosto de 2011
listen to your brother
Listen to your begging brother!
Listen to his story, a old lady who cames
from a time far beyond the time you
Listen to your brother who lost his way
In a way that you don't know.
Paths that he had to learn to walk
before to take his first steps.
Listen to what he has to say.
Listen and learn from his story and tell
Listen to your brother who lost his way
In a way that you don't know.
Paths that he had to learn to walk
before to take his first steps.
Listen to what he has to say.
Listen and learn from his story and tell
it as a testimony to yours.
Don't pass by your brother indifferently,
Don't pass by your brother indifferently,
who, crouched in a corner, extends his
Do not ignore the request of a brother
Do not ignore the request of a brother
who asks you a bread.
Do not reject a brother who, dirty and
Do not reject a brother who, dirty and
Approaches asking you help, wanting a
little of your attention.
A brother who walks the only road that
he know,
The road where he was placed long
Approaches asking you help, wanting a
little of your attention.
A brother who walks the only road that
he know,
The road where he was placed long
before he had any other option.
Listen to your brother's pleas whose
Listen to your brother's pleas whose
filth in your clothes frightens you and
constrains your spirit.
Hear your story, a old lady that exist
long before anything your mind can
to imagine.
Your brother doesn't just want your
Hear your story, a old lady that exist
long before anything your mind can
to imagine.
Your brother doesn't just want your
alms, he also wants to be heard by
you, he wants to know you.
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