O teu corpo não se poria de pé se não fosse pela
Força do teu espírito.
Esse corpo, o teu corpo que parece forte, cheio
De vida e sadio, na realidade ele por si só é um
Vazio sem vida.
O teu corpo se abandonado pelo teu espírito
Morre, ele deixa de existir.
Cuide do teu cerne, cuide da tua alma, evite os
Pensamentos ruins e não permita o ódio fincar
Raízes em teu coração.
O teu corpo te faz crer que sente as dores que
Atormentam o teu espírito.
Porem te digo que as dores que torturam o teu
Espírito não doem em tua carne.
As dores que consomem o teu abstrato doem
Onde a medicina dos homens não alcança,
Elas doem onde somente eu posso tocar.
O teu corpo te faz crer que podes viver sem
Mim porem te digo que sem o meu amor
Morres, ainda estando o teu corpo vivo.
Desprovido de espírito, vazio de amor, o teu
Corpo não é capaz de dar um passo, não sai de
Onde se encontra prostrado.
As dores físicas são dores que esqueces tão logo
Estas deixam de doer, porem as dores do teu
Espírito ficam e marcam até a chegada do perdão.
O teu espírito é a tua vida e sofre as
Consequências dos teus atos, ações e omissões.
Your body would not stand if it was not by force
Of your spirit. This body, your body seems to be
Your body
Your body would not stand if it was not by force
Of your spirit. This body, your body seems to be
A strong one, full of life and health, in reality it
by itself would be empty, lifeless. If abandoned
by itself would be empty, lifeless. If abandoned
By your spirit your body would dies, ceases to
Exist in my thought. Take care of your core, care
Of your soul, avoid bad thoughts and do not allow
The hatred place its root in your heart.
Your body makes you believe that you feel the pain
That plagues your mind, but I tell you that the pain
That torture your ghost does not hurt your flesh.
The pains that consume your abstract hurt where
Medicine can not reach, it hurt where only I can
The hatred place its root in your heart.
Your body makes you believe that you feel the pain
That plagues your mind, but I tell you that the pain
That torture your ghost does not hurt your flesh.
The pains that consume your abstract hurt where
Medicine can not reach, it hurt where only I can
Touch. Your body makes you believe that you can
Live without me, however, I tell you that without
My love you die, even your body is still alive.
Devoid of spirit, devoid of love, your body is not
Devoid of spirit, devoid of love, your body is not
Able of to take a step, it can not leave the place
Where it is, it would fall. The physical pain is a
Pain that you forget it as soon as it stop hurt you
However the pain of your spirit stay in it and
However the pain of your spirit stay in it and
Marked it till the arrival of the forgiveness. Your
Ghost is your life and it suffer the consequences
Of your deeds, actions and omissions.
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