Eu sou a Igreja, sou uma única Igreja, sou a fé.
Os homens, por interesses diferentes dos meus
Interesses, esquartejaram, e esquartejaram
Outra vez o meu corpo. Eles não entendem
Que o meu espírito é uno, é indivisível.
Os homens dispersaram o meu rebanho mas
Nunca conseguirão moer a semente que
Plantei no coração de cada uma das minhas
Eu, e somente eu, sou Igreja!
As outras igrejas são invenção dos homens e
Foram criadas para atender aos seus
Interesses e não aos meus.
Eu como Igreja condeno os que dividiram e
Ainda dividem o meu rebanho. Com essas
Divisões espalham o ódio entre as minhas
A igreja dos homens odeia, mata os homens
Que discordam de suas doutrinas, mas eu
Como Igreja, perdoo os que discordam dos
Meus ensinamentos.
Eu sou a única e verdadeira Igreja!
Aqueles que se afastam de mim e buscam as
Igrejas dos homens vagam perdidos de uma
Igreja para outra sem encontrar a respostas
Para os seus anseios.
Eu, como Igreja, alimento e dou paz ao espírito
Daqueles que buscam em mim seu alento.
Eu sou a verdadeira Igreja.
Mauro Lucio
One Church
I am the Church, one holly church, I am faith. Men
By different interests other than mine, quartered my
One Church
I am the Church, one holly church, I am faith. Men
By different interests other than mine, quartered my
Body again and again but my spirit is only one, it is
Indivisible. The men scattered my flock but they
Will never be able to grind the seed that I planted in
The heart of every single one of my sheep.
I and I alone am the Church, the other churches are
An invention of men and are designed to meet their
I and I alone am the Church, the other churches are
An invention of men and are designed to meet their
Interests, not mine. As a Church I condemn those
Who divided and still divide my herd because these
Divisions spread hatred among my sheep. The men’s
Church hates, the men’s church kills those who
Disagree with their doctrine, but I as a Church
Forgive those who disagree with my teaching.
I am the true Church, whoever departs from me in
I am the true Church, whoever departs from me in
Search of men’s churches will get lost and will
Wander from one church to another without finding
Answers to their questions. I, as a Church, feed and
Wander from one church to another without finding
Answers to their questions. I, as a Church, feed and
Give peace to those who seek his breath in me, I am
The holly Church.
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