Se conseguisses ouvir a voz do silêncio
quando estás no meio da multidão
Se conseguisses ver o tudo que se dá
sob a luz do sol tu orarias.
Orarias e o faria com o mais profundo
do teu coração.
Se pudesses ver os braços que te
abraçam quando em tuas agonia.
Se conseguisses ver as mãos que te
guiam quando tens o teu coração
tomado pelo ódio tu oraria.
Orarias e o faria com o mais
profundo do teu espírito.
Se pudesses ver quem caminha ao teu
lado, quando caminhas na trilha da
ambição, do egoísmo e da vaidade tu
Se tu soubesses dos braços que
Repousam sobre os teus ombros
quando a inveja, a intriga e a mentira
tomam a tua mente oraria.
Orarias com a pureza mais límpida
que há.
Se conhecesses os sorrisos que
sorriem junto contigo quando sorris
dos infortúnios dos desafortunados tu
Se pudesses ver tudo que a luz do sol e
os mistérios da meia noite escondem
tu oraria, orarias as mais lindas e
poderosas preces.
Habacuc - Brasília, novembro de 2012.
You would say a
If you could hear the voice of the
Silence when you're in the middle
The crowd, and if you could see
Everything that is hidden under
If you could hear the voice of the
Silence when you're in the middle
The crowd, and if you could see
Everything that is hidden under
The sun´s light you would say a
Pray, and you would
do it with
The deepest heart.
If you could see the arms that
Embrace you, when you think
You are alone. If you could see
The hands that guide you when
If you could see the arms that
Embrace you, when you think
You are alone. If you could see
The hands that guide you when
You have your heart dominated
By hatred you would say a pray,
You would say a pray with a
You would say a pray with a
The deepest of your spirit.
If you could see who walks by
If you could see who walks by
Your side when you walk on
The trail of ambition, selfishness,
The trail of ambition, selfishness,
Vanity and negativism
you would
Say a pray. If you knew
the arms
Which rest on your shoulders
Which rest on your shoulders
When envy, intrigue and lies
Occupy your mind you
Say a pray, you would say a pray
With the most clear purity.
If you knew the smiles that smile
With the most clear purity.
If you knew the smiles that smile
Along with you when you
smile of
The misfortunes of
Unfortunate ones, you
Say a pray. If you could see
Everything that the sunshine and
The mysteries of night hides, you
Would say a pray, you would say
Would say a pray, you would say
The most pure pray.
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