Sou único e só a minha palavra te salvará.
Enquanto me buscares nos homens vagarás perdido
De um lado para o outro, de congregação para
Congregação sem no entanto encontrar a paz pela
Qual o teu espírito tanto anseia.
Te dou discernimento para que consigas distinguir o
Certo do errado, mas no entanto, insistes em permitir
Que homens mal intencionados, com interpretações
Dúbias da escritura sagrada, te convençam de coisas
As quais nunca te prometi.
Busca-me e te mostrarei o real sentido da minha
Palavra, te ensinarei o caminho que te levará ao
Encontro do meu amor.
Eu sou a verdade, sou o caminho e a luz.
Sou o amor que te ama incondicionalmente e te quer
Fale comigo!
Busque-me e me encontraras no amor, repouse a
Minha sombra, beba da minha fonte e não terás sede
E conhecerás a verdadeira felicidade.
Habacuc, outubro de 2011
I am the truth
I am the truth! I am the holly o truth and only my word
I am the truth! I am the holly o truth and only my word
Save you. While you search for me in men you will run
About lost, you will go from place to place, from
Congregation to congregation without however to
Congregation to congregation without however to
Finding me, without to find the peace that your spirit
Long for.
I give you insight so you can distinguish the right from
I give you insight so you can distinguish the right from
Wrong, but nevertheless insist on allowing what evil
Men with dubious interpretations of the scripture
Convince you of things which I never promised you.
Search me and I will show you the real meaning of my
Word, I will teach you the path that will take you to
Meet my love.
I am the truth; I am the way and the light. I am the love
Which loves you unconditionally and wants you happy.
Talk to me! Fetch me and you will find me in the love,
Rest in my shade, drink from my source and you will
I am the truth; I am the way and the light. I am the love
Which loves you unconditionally and wants you happy.
Talk to me! Fetch me and you will find me in the love,
Rest in my shade, drink from my source and you will
Never be thirst and you will know true happiness.
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