quarta-feira, 20 de julho de 2011

Em nome do pai - In the name of the Father

Te amei! 
Te amo com toda a força que o amor tem.
Te amo mas não reconheces o amor que dedico a ti,
Não percebes o quanto te cuido, o quanto velo por
Cada um de teus passos para que não te machuques,
Para que não sofras e nem chores.
Te amo!
Te amo mas, no entanto, desprezas o amor que tenho
Por ti.

Por causa do imenso amor que guardo por ti me 
Ignoras, foges de mim e quando te falo não me ouves.
Odeias quando em orações peço por ti junto a Deus, 
Detestas ouvir-me falar em nome do Pai e do o amor
Que Ele sente por ti, que é um amor mais puro que o
Amor de mãe. 
Não consegues entender  o meu “não entender” o 
Desprezo que tens por mim.

Em nome do Pai te suplico para que despertes antes 
De o  “muito tarde” chegar para ti. Antes de o 
Arrependimento vir substituir a minha presença em tua
Vida, antes que eu parta, que não possamos mais nos
Em nome do lindo amor que conecta pais e filhos
Te peço: 
- Acorde minha filha enquanto estou  perto de ti.

                                                             Habacuc, julho  de 2011.


In the name of the Father

I loved you. I love you with all the power that love has.
I love you, I love you but you do not recognize the love
That I dedicate to you, you may not realize how much
I care, how much care for each of your steps so that  
You do not get hurt, for you do not grieve, nor weep.
I love you, and however, you contempt all the love that
I have for you.

Because of the immense love I have for you, you forget
Me, you ignore me, you run away from me. I talk to you
But you do not listen to me, you hate when, in prayers,
I talk to God about you. You hate to hear me to speak on
The name of Father and about His love and the love that
He has for you, a love which is purer than a mother's love.
You can not understand my do not "understand" the
Contempt that you have for me.

In the name of the Father, I ask you to stir up before the
"Too late" comes to you, before the repentance comes to
Replace my presence in your life, before I leave this life,
Before we can no longer see each other. In the name of
The beautiful love that connects parents and children
 I ask you, - Wake up my daughter while I here with you.


2 comentários:

  1. I Talk To The Wind
    King Crimson
    Said the straight man to the late man
    Where have you been?
    I've been here and I've been there
    And I've been in between
    I talk to the wind
    My words are all carried away
    I talk to the wind
    The wind does not hear
    The wind cannot hear
    I'm on the outside looking inside
    What do I see?
    Much confusion, disillusion
    All around me
    I talk to the wind
    My words are all carried away
    I talk to the wind
    The wind does not hear
    The wind cannot hear
    You don't possess me
    Don't impress me
    Just upset my mind
    Can't instruct me or conduct me
    Just use up my time
    I talk to the wind
    My words are all carried away
    I talk to the wind
    The wind does not hear
    The wind cannot hear
    I talk to the wind
    My words are all carried away
    I talk to the wind
    The wind does not hear
    The wind cannot hear
    Said the straight man to the late man
    Where have you been?
    I've been here and I've been there and
    I've been in between
    I Talk To The Wind
    King Crimson
    Said the straight man to the late man
    Where have you been?
    I've been here and I've been there
    And I've been in between
    I talk to the wind
    My words are all carried away
    I talk to the wind
    The wind does not hear
    The wind cannot hear
    I'm on the outside looking inside
    What do I see?
    Much confusion, disillusion
    All around me
    I talk to the wind
    My words are all carried away
    I talk to the wind
    The wind does not hear
    The wind cannot hear
    You don't possess me
    Don't impress me
    Just upset my mind
    Can't instruct me or conduct me
    Just use up my time
    I talk to the wind
    My words are all carried away
    I talk to the wind
    The wind does not hear
    The wind cannot hear
    I talk to the wind
    My words are all carried away
    I talk to the wind
    The wind does not hear
    The wind cannot hear
    Said the straight man to the late man
    Where have you been?
    I've been here and I've been there and
    I've been in between

  2. Ledo engano meu caro, pensar que o vento não nos ouve. O vento ouve a todos fingindo não ouvir ninguém. Como um moleque brincalhão, menino vadio, ele corre de um lado para outro tentando disfarçar a agonia que aflige o seu coração. Mas no entanto é nas noites escuras e chuvosas, que sem ter como disfarçar a sua dor ele chora, ele gente em nossas janelas e telhados e é nesses momentos que ele, o vento, desabafa toda s sua dor e tormento. O vento ouve, sabe e sofre com tudo de triste que lhe falamos. Verdade meu prezado, o vento vagueia daqui pra li e de lá para cá e por mais que ele aparente indiferente à nossa dor, saiba: ele compartilha da nossa dor. Grato por interagir com este


Em meu interior

Observando as minhas atitudes interior, percebo os meus pecados ansiando por pecar.  Percebo a inquietude do meu espírito e o seu protestand...